
What I learned taking a day off screens every week

I recently finished reading Tiffany Schlain’s book “24/6”, which encourages taking a weekly “technology shabbat” where you abstain from your usual screens – such as your phone, computer, TV, and devices, for a period of 24 hours once a week. Persuaded that a little time away from the computer was valuable, I decided to give […]

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I Created Ben Franklin’s Virtue Journal in Notion

When life gets you down, it’s worth remembering that anybody with internet access can freely download and read the entire Harvard Classics – thousands of hours of cultivated quality reading that would have been the envy of virtually anyone in history. In a spontaneous (and perhaps over-ambitious) desire to read the whole thing, I began

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These Cognitive Biases are Undermining Your Decisions

One of the most formative books I ever read on the fallibility of human decisionmaking was Thinking, Fast and Slow by Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahnemann. Kahnemann’s book is chock full of interesting case studies, as well as examples that exploit a bias and encourage you to try to form conclusions yourself, showcasing the sometimes hilarious,

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Using a ‘Rewards’ system to boost your productivity in Notion

If you’re a Notion user, odds are you’ve played with it as a task manager or to-do list app. Today I’m going to talk about how to integrate your task list with a reward system, to help motivate yourself to check off tasks. This method was inspired by an app called Habitica, which ‘gamifies’ your

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