the eudaimon

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The Eudaimonic Path - How to be Happy
Dreams and Perceptions I’m sure you all feel it sometimes. It doesn’t matter how productive you are, how successful you are, or how many to-do list items you’re...
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Automated Tyranny
There is an abundance of discussion on fears of AI going rogue, turning on humanity due to some oversight in their programming. The more treacherous reality is that there is no need...
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The boardroom exercise - a journal tool
The Boardroom Exercise is simple – when faced with a problem, question or dilemma, you conjure a set of ‘personalities’ as ‘board members’ to advise you. This might sound a little...
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Modern Media's Makeover
There’s a famous saying in the media studies world, parroted a lot, though when you hear it for the first time, it sounds a little enigmatic. “The medium is the message.” Coined by...
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Moloch and the Mob Boss - The Balance Between Freedom and Order
Any study of the authoritarian nightmares of the 20th century is usually enough to make anyone wary of governments – a glimpse into the excesses of both state power and incompetence,...
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The Dystopia of Stalin's Soviet Union
It is the first of March, 1953, Moscow. A housekeeper cautiously enters the office of the most feared man on earth – lying on the ground, in urine soaked pyjamas, lays Joseph...
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Making your own custom embeds in Notion
Today I want to talk about a little trick to add some extra functionality to Notion. Many of you might have already played with interesting web-hosted embeds – by typing “/embed”,...
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How to use Obsidian’s ‘Graph view’ with your Notion backlinks
A year or two ago, I switched from Obsidian back into Notion. It wasn’t an easy decision – Obsidian is a phenomenal tool – Notion just worked better for me as a task manager...
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A New way to do spaced repetition in notion - using buttons!
Spaced repetition and self-quizzing is a tried and true method to learn. Tools like Anki have been around for ages, and they do a great job of creating a digital cue-card system where...
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5 cool ways to use Notion’s new “Button” feature
I’m always looking for ways to better automate my workflows, and my ‘Second Brain’ is no exception. Notion has come a very long way in the last few years with their additional features,...
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Coals on the fire - a lazy man’s guide to productivity
I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the most motivated or disciplined person. I don’t think I’m an unusual in saying that my motivation tends to come in fits and spurts, in waves or...
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How to never forget what you read
Despite the fact I much prefer the experience of reading a paper book, it’s hard to question the utility of e-books. The ability to have the equivalent of an entire library with you...
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How to track habits and journal in Notion
In Notion, there are certainly many ways to skin a cat. Over the years I’ve played with all sorts of journal and habit tracking systems – back then I disdained the rather...
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6 Must-Listen Podcasts for Education and Entertainment
The world of podcasts has exploded in recent years, with millions of people tuning in to listen to everything from educational lectures to entertaining banter. Whether you want something...
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13 great books you should have on your reading list
1. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahnemann Written by Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahnemann, Thinking Fast and Slow is far from just an economics book. It explores the...
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6 Satisfying Ways to Improve Your Self-Sufficiency and Save Money
Sometimes it can be tough to save money – with increases in cost of living, everything seems to be getting more expensive. However, there are many skills and hobbies that can...
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5 Fundamental Habits for Better Self Discipline
Self-discipline is key to achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life. While there are no shortcuts or magic solutions, there are several fundamental habits that can help you...
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Beyond Note-Taking: The Magic of Human Memory
There’s a common refrain I often hear in the productivity community – “The brain is for having ideas, not for storing them.” This quote can be attributed to productivity guru...
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The Second Brain - How to never forget what matters
One of my first and most popular articles I posted on Medium was “How to build a second brain in Notion”. In it I described my quest to refine and perfect my digital knowledge system...
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I made a Youtube Video Summarizer using Python and ChatGPT
I’ve been talking about (and playing with) ChatGPT a lot lately – the AI is an excellent tool for novice programmers to make things a little beyond their usual skill-level, and...
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What I learned taking a day off screens every week
I recently finished reading Tiffany Schlain’s book “24/6”, which encourages taking a weekly “technology shabbat” where you abstain from your usual screens – such as your phone,...
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I Created Ben Franklin’s Virtue Journal in Notion
When life gets you down, it’s worth remembering that anybody with internet access can freely download and read the entire Harvard Classics – thousands of hours of cultivated quality...
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Social Media Poisoning
It’s been a while since I dragged myself off of Twitter and its many cousins – for those who use social media frequently, the phantom limb of its absence is often keenly felt....
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Using Notion to study Martial Arts (and everything else!)
A few months ago, I wrote an introduction to my Notion ‘second-brain’ system – around that time I’d revised a somewhat messy conglomeration of different databases, and one I’d...
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